It’s about the human connection..databases part two

I’ve been reflecting further on the frustrations with databases that I vented in my previous post.   I realized that what is crystallizing for me is the point that… Research tools are not about the tools.  They are about the people who use them.    Each student brings a human story and experience to their research process but most of all, they come to it as a person.   When you look at sites like Flickr or Instagram or Twitter or Tumblr, all of them center […]

Consumer intelligence…or…do databases realize they have student customers?

After my annual frustrating experience working with database companies and iPad apps in our 1:1 school, I feel that it is high time that database companies start stepping up to the plate to make products easier for their k-12 consumers (and beyond). Have you ever tried to 1)interest high school or middle school students in using a database instead of Google?  While it is a skill they need to develop particularly if they are college bound, at best, it is a hard sell.  What high […]