Do our students know how we learn?

A lot of thoughts were raised during Will Richardson’s presentations yesterday, but a few that stick with me–

Do our students know how we learn?   and who is in our learning network?  who do we connect to?

On one blog he mentioned,  Blog of Proximal Development, Konrad Glogowski had a discussion recently of that very topic.  He encourages us to ‘step out of content’ and show that we are learners, too, because that is a way to ignite passion in our students.

Will also asked who is in our network–who we learn from?  Our students certainly network and work online–from im-ming their friends here or contacts they have made online in Facebook, online gaming sites, etc.   (A research site more of them have begun using is Cha-Cha, which allows them to submit a question and have a guide help answer, but the guides may be almost as young as the students themselves.)

So, perhaps one way we can expand our horizons is by expanding our learning network.

Will shared some of his “network” with us, so if you are interested, here are a few sites to check out.   I’m adding a couple of my favorites also.  If you’re new to this, just pick one that appeals to you and check it out.  Make it a “Friday blogging” habit to read one new thing…..

Karl Fisch’s blog Fischbowl  –Karl Fisch at Arapahoe High School is always readable  and thought provoking(also check out some of the teacher’s blogs on the sidebar to see teachers learning to blog or sharing their teaching thoughts.)

Practical Theory–Chris Lehmann, the principal at the new Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia shares his thoughts, struggles and experiences.

Also, if you don’t have or get Edutopia, I’d highly recommend it.  The magazine is free and you can order it from their website, or you can subscribe to an email newsletter, OR read the articles online(where they have great videos, podcasts, articles, etc.) 

Bgblogging–Will recommended Barbara Ganley, at Middlebury College, who shares her (and her students) reflections–some fascinating reflection from the college level (and a blog I was unaware of).

2 Cents Worth— David Warlick travels worldwide and writes about conversations on web 2.0, shares photos, videos and podcasts from conferences, and always has 2 cents worth.

Another excellent one Will highlighted is Clarence Fisher’s blog Remote Access.

I’d be interested to know sites in your “network” or thoughts and comments on the presentation!  And remember, even adding one site to read each week is a step….

One thought on “Do our students know how we learn?

  1. So often I think that we don’t know how we learn, and I think it is revealing when you ask yourself that question. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is to realize that not everyone learns the same.

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