In keeping with the conversations (Karl Fisch, Wes Fryer, Doug Johnson, myself, and others) going on around the blogosphere about filtering, access, and social networking in schools, I wanted to share this excellent toolkit from YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) entitled “Teens and Social Networking in School and Public Libraries.”
The toolkit has ideas appropriate for librarians or technology staff on productive uses of social networking, how to share these tools with parents, etc., and is a great example of a proactive and positive approach.
In addition, YALSA has an excellent wiki of resources, links, and articles about positive uses of social networking tools — though this was created with DOPA in mind, there are some excellent articles and links here, including a clever Slideshare called “Who would Jane Austen friend?”
Knowing where to find helpful materials on this issue to support each school’s efforts to have a constructive policy in place is part of the solution. Please continue to share other materials you are aware of as well!
Update: Shortly after posting this, I ran across a study that Patrick Higgins posted on his blog about the positive effects of blogging on student writing, so I thought I’d add it here since that is part of this conversation.
Thanks for including the link Carolyn, I know it will be useful for me. I am having the same conversations in my district. Some of the difficulty I believe is that those making the decisions of what is filtered and what is not are usually not people in the classroom. They do not use the tools themselves in their own professional practice so it is difficult for them to see the positive implications for students.
Carolyn, I think this should be added to Scott McLeod’s Moving Forward wiki if you haven’t already