Libraries from Now On– Summing up the Summit

Continuing with the liveblogged notes– Consultant and future-thinker Joan Frye Williams closed out the conference by summing up the themes she heard emerging throughout the Summit.   Throughout the two days, she circulated through the tables, looked at the brainstorming boards, and gathered some threads together for the closing statements of the Summit, and discover “what is the library ‘from now on?” Below are my liveblogged notes from her discerning comments:  (many of these are direct quotes…or my summary of her words) Summit is an opportunity […]

Library Summmit Day Two — closing in on a vision?

Gathering this morning to hear DaVinci Institute’s Thomas Frey and  excited to be sitting at a table with some icons in the field and Maureen Sullivan, former President of ALA this morning. Questions in the innovation area this morning: –Give  a new library story that would capture the library of the future? –How will library of future assess itself? –In the future, what will our constituents NEED that they don’t even know they need now? –As a result of the summit, what are you inspired […]