American Libraries asked…

I’m very excited (and still stunned!) that I have been asked by American Libraries to answer some questions about blogging as a school librarian for an article which will be in the May issue, called Mattering in the Blogosphere.

Doug Johnson at the Blue Skunk Blog (who had a lot to do with getting this article published) asks those of us interviewed to post our responses, but I’m more than a little embarrassed about mentioning it here, and as usual I was a little overenthusiastic about it, so I’m just going to share part of one answer here:

What is the greatest benefit to blogging about school libraries? 

The greatest benefit to me has been my own professional growth.  Even though I began the site mainly for our faculty, it has developed into a place where I can share ideas with people on and off of my campus, and where I can reflect on things I’ve read, or discuss larger ideas about education, etc. 

But the ability to get my voice out there, and to interact with others from outside my campus has been very valuable to me professionally. . . .To me that is the greatest benefit of blogging about libraries—learning how to break down the walls that divide us into “classrooms” or “campuses” or “libraries” and reunite the learning experience.

 The other equally important question was about how blogging has helped my work with students.  I do have to say it has helped tremendously and hopefully that is evident.   I take my enthusiasm about ideas I read about or write about directly into working with students myself and also into sharing them with teachers on my campus.

Okay, that’s two answers. 😉

I think I should have just given American Libraries the short answer.

For me, it truly is all about connecting– people and ideas.   That’s what my job is and that’s where my real passion is.  My blog just gives my passion a forum. 

Thanks, American Libraries, for asking.  Now back to our regularly scheduled blogging….

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