Designing Collaborative Learning Spaces — Webinar!

Join Shannon Miller(moderator), Georgia’s amazing Andy Plemmons and yours truly for a Future Ready Webinar on Tuesday, August 15th!  We’ll be talking about designing collaborative spaces for students, particularly libraries, and have lots of suggestions!  I’ll also be talking about how to involve students. More details here!  Sign up online here!

Goal setting: of distractions and staying yar

Joyce Valenza’s recent post on NeverEnding Search, A Belated Confession, really resonated with me and I appreciate the courage it took to share her thoughts.  She wrote about her challenges balancing her work and the ensuing guilt at not being able to do everything she wanted. “I don’t think we can really rock every aspect of our jobs at once, however much we aspire to do it.  And if you don’t realize this, it can drive you kinda crazy. It’s a tough job.  It’s a […]