Anatomy of an iPad implementation

One-to-one technology implementations often receive bad press in the media.  So it’s been fascinating to be part of a 1:1 iPad implementation at my own school and observe and participate in the process first hand and see the impacts. My recent article in Internet @ Schools summarizes some of my observations.  But I will add that what has transformed is how we work — how students work and learn, how teachers work and learn.   And I do think there is something different about using a […]

The nitty gritty details–Implementing iPads

After meeting with my district librarians this week, I realized that perhaps it would be helpful to spell out some details of our iPad implementation (my previous posts about the results of our pilot study and teacher responses are here and here) for both our own staff, but perhaps it will be of interest to others as well. So here’s our story.   We purchased six iPads (16 Gig, no 3G), but if you purchase ten via Apple’s education package, there is a discount of about […]