Be the change

It seems that all I’ve been writing about lately are advocacy issues.  I rarely do this in this space.

But as an educator and Texan, I am incensed by the recent hijacking of our state education standards.  It is more than time for a change.

The Texas State Board of Education voted on a finalized set of Social Studies standards yesterday.  That has been widely covered already so I won’t belabor it but suffice to say that once again, they have imposed political viewpoints all over our state curriculum standards, which sadly may not be rewritten for another ten years or more.

So, what can we do at this point?  That’s what we need to focus on.   There are several important ways to make your voice heard on this issue.

Once the standards are posted on the TEA website for review, make your voice heard by emailing  (Or go ahead and send your email comments now.  Let them hear from you, nation!)

Make your voice heard by supporting new candidates for the SBOE.   How?–by funding them, publicizing them, encouraging your Texas friends to vote for them on  a day not that many people vote, and letting people know how important it is to vote this year in the SBOE races.  These races, like judicial races, are often ignored and voters often don’t even know really who they are voting for.   It is really important to get the word out about the significance of the election this year.

The candidates who need your support and attention are Rebecca Bell-Metereau, a professor at Texas State, in District 5 and Judy Jennings (longtime educator)  in District 10.

Both these districts are in the Central Texas area, so there is possibility to change the direction of the board if people do get out and vote.

In District 5, Bell-Metereau is running against an incumbent(Mercer who has been responsible for many of the heinous things in the standards)  and really will need support to get voters to the polls.

In District 10, there is a runoff on the Republican side, but neither choice may be a win situation(Brian Russell and Marsha Farney).

Judy Jennings in District 10 will also need support to defeat whoever wins that primary, and that is possible in that District if there is publicity and a get-out-the-vote effort.

You may not be in Texas or even in the states, but since the Texas SBOE has a profound impact on textbooks around the nation, your interest in these races is helpful and important.

Lastly, if you are in Texas, encourage your legislator to consider more bills that lessen the sway of the SBOE.

Please help be the change that we want to see in education, and help Texas “speak up”.

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