Remembering our “customers”

As I come away from Internet Librarian and try to pull together a thread running throughout the conference, I would say it is this: Web 2.0 is here to stay, but we must be cognizant of our users, whether they are “library patrons” or students or teachers. This theme has been running around the blogs recently as well. Sarah Palmer, a librarian at the American Bar Association, did an excellent presentation on suggestions for how to introduce users to web 2.0 tools. Since she works […]

Hello from Internet Librarian Schools West!

I was planning to live blog the IL Schools West conference, but unfortunately the one room we are meeting in doesn’t have internet access because we’re not in the conference center, so, I’m taking a quick fire minute break to post an update! I feel like my limbs are missing since I haven’t been able to blog anything, check email or twitter all day long–I realize how entertwined my work has gotten with my online network! One of the most interesting sessions I saw today […]

Learning all around us

Something about being in a different place, or maybe a place so rich with literary history, makes you realize that learning isn’t just something that can go on in school, but all around you. The Monterey area is like an outdoor learning laboratory–you hear sea lions barking at night or can watch them from the wharf, you can explore tide pools or watch sea otters swimming off shore–or you can look out and see farms much like John Steinbeck must have seen 75 years ago. […]

Library bloggers

 InfoToday, who hosts the Internet Librarian conferences, has posted a list of bloggers attending this year’s Internet Librarian West at the end of October; while this is a small conference, it is a powerhouse collection of librarian technologists.     This is a  great list of bloggers to get a preview of what’s going on in libraries and technology today, ranging from public, to school, to academic libraries; I feel honored to be on the same list!   By the way, the technorati and flickr tags are il2007 or ISW2007 if you want […]

The “internet librarian”

  I’m gearing up for a conference in late October, Internet Librarian and particularly Internet Schools West. It’s one of my favorite “librariany” conferences, and the first one I blogged from last year as a new blogger, which was such a cool experience (and challenging since the beautiful Asilomar lodge didn’t have internet access in the rooms!)  Part of what I like about this conference is that it’s small and intimate, and that long before other conferences included very many internet “strands,” this conference was pulling together trends in […]