Daniel Rasmus — Uncertainty and Imagination: Evolving Libraries Who is the library competing with in the “competitive” word? Uncertainty 1: How will we access information? Uncertainty 2: How will books be represented? Uncertainty 3: How Low or High Can we go? Is it going to be personal capacity or cloud capacity? Do we want things to be personal, encrypted and owned or do we want it to reside in cloud. 54% claim never to use cloud, 95% actually do. Uncertainty 4: How will we […]
Open Education Resources and the School Librarian – Internet @ Schools
Heather Braum and Gary Price Why Open Education Matters information and video Wikipedia is an Open Education Resource (plus bibliography at the end of the articles. CNX.org Project Gutenberg (for free online books) Kansas portal Curriki Khan Academy (is it truly ‘open” educational or not?) TED Education (turning TED talks into lessons for the classroom) National Archives and Library of Congress teacher pages Valenza wiki Full Courses iTunes University Coursera (MOOC) How can you use OER in your school district? –can be used for pathfinders […]
Internet @ Schools sessions–Day Two afternoon
The sessions this afternoon include: Common Core Assignment–“Meet the Candidates” Karen Kliegman Connected Life and the Library–Diane Cordell Common Core — Meet the Candidates Library “buzzwords” fill the common core requirements and standards: “collaboration” “skills for formal presentations” “integrate information from variety of sources” “use media and visual displays,” etc. Common Core is like a special “backstage” pass for librarians as teachers struggle to meet the standards–“they validate our importance in the school culture.” Karen Kliegman Jaeger litmus test:(March/April Library Media Connections?) Are you asking […]
Day Two– Internet @ Schools
This post includes two sessions at Internet @ Schools, Day Two: 21st century learning model, and Ebook Creation for Libraries. 21st- Century Learning-Mission Driven Model at Delmar Burke School Jenny Howland and Susan Faust, Katherine Delmar Burke School, CA 20th century felt finite and knowable but 21st feels infinite and unknowable. How do we prepare our students for this universe? The two librarians immersed themselves in personal professional development for six months–immersing themselves in the changes going on, TED talks, reading, etc. Real personal learning. […]
Revitalizing Communities Keynote — CIL
Storm Cunningham, author of ReWealth and ReCivilizing is the keynote speaker– on how citizens and crowdsourcing can lead redevelopment of communities. He observes there are 3 typical growth patterns for redevelopment- New development starts and slows down Maintenance and conservation continue at a steady pace but Restorative development continues to grow. “Restoration economy” — the idea is that we are revitalizing things that we already have–many gov’t agencies, corporations, conservation organizations are focused on the idea of restoring the institutions we have. Libraries fit into that. We […]
Misinformation, Autopilot Thinking and Credibility — Internet @ Schools
Misinformation, Autopilot Thinking and Credibility–Info Literacy w/Debbie Abilock -What is an authoritative website? A lot different than what we are teaching students. -We need to teach kids to be careful drivers, but not in a “rote” manner. -Autopilot thinking is what some people see as a solution to evaluation. Recent NYTimes article about software EdX by Harvard and MIT are looking at automated solution on software grading. Doug Downs presentation at HETL on automated scores–first step, get humans to read like a computer. (Human inter-rater […]
Nonfiction 2.0 and Learning 2.0 — Internet @ Schools sessions
(This post combines notes on two sessions from Internet @ Schools: Nonfiction 2.0 and Common Core, and Learning 2.0 and 23 Things in Schools.) Nonfiction 2.0 Marc Aronson, Rutgers Melissa Jacobs-Israel, NYC Dept of Educ Mary Fran Daley, Lehigh Univ. Doctoral Program Google Maps allowed author(Lee Berger) of The Skull in the Rock to “see” terrain differently. We read to actively explore not passively absorb. Knowledge is IN-formation. Bats, Furry Fliers of the Night e-book example. How does an app or e-book extend learning […]
Using iPads and Apps in the School Library – Internet @ Schools
Ipad apps in the School Library: Mary Catherine Coleman; Librarian, St. Stephens and St. Agnes School; Alexandria, VA School has cart of 18 iPads in library and mobile carts elsewhere in building. Each student assigned the same iPad everytime they are in the library. Popplet–graphic organizing app (this is one we use at my school as well). Creates bubbles where you can put in brainstorming. Coleman created a lesson around research unit. Students given five questions to answer about their research and then […]
Flipping your library: Internet @ Schools
To Flip or Not to Flip, That Is the Dilemma! Kari Arfstrom, Executive Director, Flipped Learning Network Pat Semple, Upper School Librarian & Academic Center Media Specialist, Bullis School Prime question is– What is the best use of your class time? Practice, discussion, guided practice, assessment? The media portrayal of the flipped classroom needs debunking. Need to move the discussion to a deeper pedagogical discussion. Like VCR’s allowed us to timeshift our television viewing, this allows students to time shift learning. Flipped learning is […]
Computers in Libraries Keynote — What would Amazon do?
Computers in Libraries Conference OPENING KEYNOTE — Evolving Community Engagement: What Would Amazon & Google Do? Brent Leary, Partner, CRM Essentials, author of upcoming book The Amazon Effect Rebecca Jones, Managing Partner, Dysart & Jones Associates Brent Leary: We know that the pace of technology in increasing. There are more iphones than there are babies being born, 400,000 apps per minute being downloaded; 2015 7.9 zettabytes of information and has gone up from 1.8 zettabytes(20 zeroes) since last year. 86% of people skip tv ads; […]