Learning all around us

Something about being in a different place, or maybe a place so rich with literary history, makes you realize that learning isn’t just something that can go on in school, but all around you. The Monterey area is like an outdoor learning laboratory–you hear sea lions barking at night or can watch them from the wharf, you can explore tide pools or watch sea otters swimming off shore–or you can look out and see farms much like John Steinbeck must have seen 75 years ago. […]

When Night Falls Around the World

What if you held a conference and attendees came from every part of the world?   The K12 Online conference concludes this weekend with just such a culminating event–a 24 hour around the world online chat known as “When Night Falls.”  To “illustrate” that event, the conference organizers have invited participants to join a new flickr group, When Night Falls, and share photographs of night falling around the world.   The photographs already posted are from places as diverse as Canada, Australia, Bangkok, and even Texas.   It’s  […]

What is cool this week at K12 Online Conference?

The coolest new tool I’ve learned so far from the K12 Online conference is Gabcast, which Liz Kolb highlighted during her presentation on Cellphones as Classroom Learning Tools. Gabcast allows you to record a podcast directly from your cell phone, by calling a 1-800 number (once you have set up an account)!   Talk about convenient!   I haven’t had time to finish watching Liz’s presentation, but it has many practical sites and tips.  Ironically, last week our faculty watched “Pay Attention” which includes a segment challenging […]

It’s about all of us

   True confessions time–when I was little, I used to play teacher.(also used to play librarian, geologist and nurse!)    Playing teacher involved reading the instructions from a reading test booklet aloud, standing in the front of the bedroom explaining things, calling out spelling words, and the like. Wouldn’t it be incredible if five or ten years from now the way that children play teacher would be by putting their dolls in groups to work together,  or by wearing a toy headphone and pretending to talk to students […]

K12 Online–Putting the “pedagogy into the tools”

   Last week, we began our campus inservice by viewing Darren Draper’s “Pay Attention” video, which generated some complex discussions.   Bill Martin, an English teacher at our campus, commented afterwards that he felt it was critical to be thinking about the pedagogy involved in using the tools that Darren challenges us about in the video. Chris Lehmann and Kristin Hokanson have posted similar comments on their blogs as well recently, and I agree completely.  Chris comments after posting an incredible interview with his students at SLA about their learning:  “As we think about […]

K12 Online Keynote tomorrow

  I’m really looking forward tomorrow to David Warlick’s K12 Online Conference keynote, which will be available for viewing on the K12online conference site starting tomorrow morning.  Last year about this time, I stumbled over the information about the conference on someone’s blog, and was blown away when I watched the keynote address.   If you want to take a trip back in time, or you missed last year’s, here’s a sampling of what David had to say about last year’s conference and what is so different about K12online: “Traditional […]

K12 Online conference Update!

The K12 Online Conference starts Monday with David Warlick’s keynote address, which will be posted Monday morning(USA time) on the conference website.  Sylvia Martinez has a great post explaining the conference, if you would like to know more.   She compares it to “comfy slipper learning” because you can learn whenever it’s convenient for you. The website has added some new areas, like a helpdesk area, which will be activated soon, if you want to participate in the live events, but don’t know how, and a […]

K12 Online more teasers

More teasers are up at the K12 online conference site.   A reminder if you aren’t familiar that K12 online is an ALL online conference taking place in October, starting with a keynote by David Warlick on October 8.  As for the teaser videos, I’m excited about Dean Shareski’s presentation on design(since I’ve been designing a new library as well, this has been on my mind a lot), and Lani Ritter Hall’s about copyright in the digital age.  Their introduction videos are below, and more teasers […]